Martin Krššák <--

Exercises: Quantum Mechanics

Lecturer: Tomáš Brauner, website of course.
Exercises: Tuesday, 16:15-17:45.

If You would like to discuss homeworks try to catch me in the office D6-145 or agree on meeting by:
Email: krssak (at)
Skype: martin_krssak


30 Oct. : Problems 1
  6 Nov.: Problems 2
13 Nov.: Problems 3
20 Nov.: Problems 4
27 Nov.: Problems 5
  4 Dec.: Problems 6
11 Dec.: Problems 7
18 Dec.: Problems 8
  9 Jan.: Problems 9
15 Jan.: Problems 10
22 Jan.: Problems 11 (by Tomáš)
29 Jan.: Problems 12

Useful Links:

Levi-Civita symbol - check this Wikipedia page, where You can find a definition of the Levi-Civita symbol and mainly the identities concerning products of the two Levi-Civita symbols.