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assert.h File Reference

The header <assert.h> defines the assert macro. More...

#include <nlibc.h>
#include <os1/defs_os1.h>
#include <os1/stdio_os1.h>
#include <stdio.h>

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#define assert(e)   ((void)((e)||_assert("assert: Assertion '" #e "' failed in " __FILE__ ":" , __LINE__)))


int _assert (char *err_str, unsigned line)

Detailed Description

The header <assert.h> defines the assert macro.

assert - for debugging purposes to return diagnostic information
#include <assert.h>

assert (scaler expression)

The assert() is used for debugging purposes. It returns diagnostic information to the
standard error file

If NDEBUD is defined the diagnostic debugging information is given, otherwise
assert() is ignored. Common error outputting is in the form: "Assertion failed:
expression, filename, line-number"

The assert header is used for debugging purposes. NDEBUG is its external References
If NDEBUG is defined, the expression, source code filename, and line
number are sent to the standard error, and then calls the abort function.

In additional with the assert-Macro one inserts a kind of tests:
void assert(int expression)
If this expression have the value Null when assert(expression) preceeded,
then returns the assert-Macro to stderr probably
the following message:
Assertion failed: expression, file filename, line nnn
Then the proceeding will be stopped by calling abort.
The file name of the programm and also the line number are comming from the
Processor-Macros __FILE__ and __LINE__
The _assert function is implemented using write_string() and write_int(). In the final
version it should be changed to using the stdio routines and writing to stderr.
The exit(1) should be changed to abort().

IMPLEMENTATION for APEnext: Completed and tested, write_int/string exchanged later (assert)


assert.h,v 2.11 2005/10/27 20:04:44 morinl Exp

ISO/IEC 9899:1999 (E) Standard

Olaf Kaczmarek (

Definition in file assert.h.

Define Documentation

#define assert  )     ((void)((e)||_assert("assert: Assertion '" #e "' failed in " __FILE__ ":" , __LINE__)))

Definition at line 65 of file assert.h.

Function Documentation

int _assert char *  err_str,
unsigned  line

Generated on Tue Jan 10 12:43:41 2006 for nlibc by doxygen 1.3.5