Condensed Matter Theory Group
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Prof. Dr. Thomas Dahm

Spin fluctuation mechanism
     of high-Tc superconductivity
Surface Andreev bound states
Topological Insulators and
     near superconductors
Rattling atoms
Two gap superconductivity in
Superconducting microwave
Rattling atoms

There is a number of metallic materials in which atoms can make very extended oscillations around their equilibrium position. Such a situation occurs in particular in materials in which certain atoms are surrounded by an oversized "cage structure" of other atoms. In these cases the atomic vibrations are highly anharmonic and one speaks of a "rattling" motion. In the picture above the effective potential for an atom is illustrated for a conventional harmonic case (left) and a strongly rattling type case with a hard wall potential (right). Such materials are promising as high efficiency, thermoelectric materials, because they have high electrical conductivity, but low thermal conductivity due to the rattling.
The anharmonic motion strongly influences the nuclear spin-lattice relaxation rate and the electrical resistivity of such materials. We have studied the anomalous properties of one of these materials, KOs2O6, due to the rattling motion and were able to reproduce the anomalous temperature dependence of the nuclear spin-lattice relaxation rate and the electrical resistivity [1,2]. Our theory predicts that there should be a strong temperature dependence of the phonon spectral function, which was confirmed by inelastic neutron scattering experiments (see H. Mutka et al, Phys. Rev. B 78, 104307 (2008)).

  1. NMR relaxation and resistivity from rattling phonons in pyrochlore superconductors
    Thomas Dahm, Kazuo Ueda
    Phys. Rev. Lett. 99, 187003 (2007).

  2. Theoretical study of NMR relaxation due to rattling phonons
    Thomas Dahm, Kazuo Ueda
    J. Phys. Chem. Solids 69, 3160 (2008).