LEIF at Bielefeld
Project 4: Detectors
Our group

o LEIF Homepage

The 8 infrastructures:

o CIRIL Caen, France: CEA

o HMI Berlin, Germany: HMI

o Justus Liebig Universität Giessen, Germany: JLU

o KVI Groningen, Netherlands KVI

o MSL Stockholm, Sweden: MSL

o The Queen`s University of Belfast, United Kingdom: QUB

o Technische Universität Wien, Austria: TUW

o University of Aarhus, Denmark: UAA

The 4 user representatives:

o Université Paris VI, France: ERI

o Leopold Franzens Universität Innsbruck, Austria: LFU

o Universität Bielefeld, Germany: UBI

o Foundation for Research and Technology - Hellas, Greece: FRT

o Young scientist Forum


[LEIF at Bielefeld] [Project 4: Detectors] [Our group] [LEIF-Links]