York Schröder
Department of Physics, Theory Division
P.O.Box 64 (Väinö Auerin katu 11)
00014 University of Helsinki, Finland
tel: +358-(0)9-191 50677 (fax: ...50706)
office: C 325
priv: Töölönkatu 8C32, 00100 Helsinki, Finland
mobile: +358-(0)40-769-3910
Location of old and new physics building in Helsinki:
version1 (broken link),
version2, and
bus connections.
Live picture of the
new building.
Interests: Finite temperature field theory; QCD_3 and infrared phenomena;
Algorithmic higher loop computations
List of Publications.
PhD thesis
A couple of internal writeups:
fqcd.ps (broken link)
(results for 3loop scalar vac diags)
ach_self.ps (broken link)
(2loop QCD selfenergies)
(the basic 4loop vac int)
(basic 3loop massless 2pt ints)
SD.ps (broken link)
(pert setup via SD eqns to 4loop)
purediags.ps (broken link)
(collection af diags incl adj)
adjselfE.ps (broken link)
(adj contribs to 2loop selfEs)
My bookmarks.
My Volleyball teams in Hki:
Hietsu Beach Volley,
PUS Volley,
Röhkön Kaatajat,
my beach partner Harri.
Another picture (broken link) of myself