Classical Statistical Models


     Dr. Wolfgang Ungerunger at physik.uni-bielefeld.deRoom E6-118


Wed. 10:15-11:45 in Room T2-208


Mo. 15:00-16:00 in Room C01-148 (with Dr. Jangho Kim)


Statistical Processes and Random Walks
Spin Models, Dimer Models, Vertex Models
Phase Transitions, Universality
Low- and High Temperature Expansion, Dual Formulations, Transfer Matrix Method


Course in Statistical Mechanics

    3-state Potts Model on 20x20 square lattice,
    Metropolis algorithm
T=0.8 T=1.0 T=1.2 T=1.4 T=1.6
    3-state Potts Model on 20x20 square lattice,
    Worm algorithm

Lectures: (preliminary, subject to change)

Lecture 1 (12. April '16): Introduction, Probability Distributions

Lecture 2 (20. April '16): Stochastic Processes

Lecture 3 (27. April '16): Markov Chains

Lecture 4 (04. May' 16): Random Walks

Lecture 5 (11. May '16): Critical Phenomena

Lecture 6 (18. May '16): Ising Model, Lattice Gas

Lecture 7 (25. May '16): Ising Model: Transfer Matrix, Mean Field

Lecture 8 (01. June '16): Ising Model: Low- and High-T expansion, Duality

Lecture 9 (08. June '16): Dimer Models

Lecture 10 (15. June '16): Potts Model

Lecture 11 (22. June '16): Percolation

Lecture 12 (29. June '16): Vertex Models

Lecture 13 (06. July '16): Hard Discs

Lecture 14 (13. July '16): Hard Spheres

Lecture 15 (20. July '16): Outlook: Quantum Models, Self-ogranized Criticality


To qualify for the oral exam (you can earn 5 CP),
you should attend the exercises regularly.

The sheets consist of about 50% computing exercises and 50% paper and pencil exercises.
The points of each sheet sum up to 20 points.

Jangho Kim will provide solutions to selected exercises which involve small computer simulations

   Andrey Andreyevich Markov

Sheet 1
(Markov Chain)

Solutions to Computing Exercises
               Stanislaw Marcin Ulam

Sheet 2
(Monte Carlo Method)

Solutions to Computing Exercises
               Ludwig Eduardo Boltzmann

Sheet 3
(Boltzmann Distribution)
   Ernst Ising

Sheet 4
(Ising Model)
               Renfrey Potts

Sheet 5
(Potts Model)
               Pieter Willem Kasteleyn

Sheet 6
(Fortuin-Kasteleyn Representation)


David P. Landau, Kurt Binder, A Guide to Monte Carlo Simulations in Statistical Physics, Cambridge University Press

Werner Krauth: Statistical Mechanics: Algorithms and Computations, Oxford University Press

R. J. Baxter, Exactly Solved Models in Statistical Mechanics, Academic Press

D. A. Lavis, G. M. Bell: Statistical Mechanics of Lattice Systems, Springer

Charles M. Grinstead, J. Laurie Snell: Introduction to Probability

Links on Monte Carlo:

Website of Werner Krauth, including some illustrations from his book:


Drunken Sailor Problem (Random Walk):

Self-avoiding random walk:

Applets for 2D Lennard-Jones System, Ising Model, 2D Dipoles:

Applet of Ising Model and XY Model:

Anharmonic Oscillator:

Last modified: Tue April 12 18:50:44 CET 2016