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00001 /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------------
00002  * /
00003  * / apeNEXT iso646 for nlcc
00004  * /
00005  * / $Id: iso646.h,v 1.16 2005/06/08 14:06:53 pleiter Exp $
00006  * /
00007  * / ISO/IEC 9899:1999 (E) Standard
00008  * / #include <iso646.h>
00009  * /
00010  * / IMPLEMENTATION for APEnext: implem                                (iso646.h) 
00011  * /------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
00013 /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
00014  * / NAME   
00015  * /           iso646.h - for programming in ISO 646 variant character sets
00016  * /                      (alternative spellings) 
00017  * /
00018  * / SYNOPSIS
00019  * /           #include <iso646.h>
00020  * /
00021  * / DESCRIPTION
00022  * /           The <iso646.h> header defines the following eleven macros: 
00023  * /           and     &&    boolean
00024  * /           and_eq  &=    bit wise
00025  * /           bitand  &     bit wise
00026  * /           bitor   |     bit wise
00027  * /           compl   ~     bit wise
00028  * /           not     !     boolean
00029  * /           not_eq  !=    bit wise
00030  * /           or      ||    boolean
00031  * /           or_eq   |=    bit wise
00032  * /           xor     ^     bit wise
00033  * /           xor_eq  ^=    bit wise
00034  * /           
00035  * / RETURN VALUE
00036  * /
00037  * / Notes
00038  * /
00039 /*------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
00041 #ifndef _ISO646_H_
00042 #define _ISO646_H_
00044 #include <nlibc.h>
00046 /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------------
00047  * / NAME   
00048  * /           and - logic and '&&' operation 
00049  * /
00050  * / SYNOPSIS
00051  * /           #include <iso646.h>
00052  * /
00053  * /           boolean operand1 and (&&) boolean operand2
00054  * / 
00055  * / DESCRIPTION
00056  * /           With this operator a logic and-operation will be proceeded. 
00057  * /           The logic operation goes from left to right. If the operand1 
00058  * /           is false, operand2 will be ignored for the further proceeding.
00059  * /
00060  * / RETURN VALUE
00061  * /           True (non-zero) value will be returned if both operands are true.
00062  * /           Otherwise false 
00063  * /
00064  * / Notes
00065  * /           Following table gives the pissible combinations with logic and:
00066  * /           Operand1               Operand2              Resutls
00067  * /           true                   true                  true
00068  * /           true                   false                 false
00069  * /           false                  true                  false
00070  * /           false                  false                 false
00071  * /
00072  * / IMPLEMENTATION for APEnext:  implem                                     (and)
00073 /*-------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
00074 #define and     &&
00076 /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------------
00077  * / NAME   
00078  * /           and_eq - Bitand '&' and assignment '=' operation  
00079  * /
00080  * / SYNOPSIS
00081  * /           #include <iso646.h>
00082  * /
00083  * /           int operand1 and_eq (&=) int operand2
00084  * / 
00085  * / DESCRIPTION
00086  * /           bit_eq operation is used with int operand1 and int operand2, 
00087  * /           which are allowed to have any number of digits and will be 
00088  * /           compared bitwisely. The resulting bit is set 1 if the 
00089  * /           corresponding bits in both operands are 1. The bits is 0 
00090  * /           in other cases. The result is assigned to operand1
00091  * /
00092  * / RETURN VALUE
00093  * /           The result of '&=' operation will be assigned to operand1
00094  * /
00095  * / Notes
00096  * /           Can be used in order to delete/mask certain bits from two operands
00097  * /           as follows:
00098  * /             0110 0001   
00099  * /           & 1101 1111  
00100  * /           ----------- 
00101  * /             0100 0001  
00102  * /           Then the resulting bits-combinations will be assigned to operand1
00103  * /
00104  * / IMPLEMENTATION for APEnext:  implem                                  (and_eq)
00105 /*-------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
00106 #define and_eq  &=
00108 /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------------
00109  * / NAME   
00110  * /           bitand - Bitand '&' operation 
00111  * /
00112  * / SYNOPSIS
00113  * /           #include <iso646.h>
00114  * /
00115  * /           int int operand1 bitand (&) int operand2
00116  * / 
00117  * / DESCRIPTION
00118  * /           bitand operation used with operand1 and operand2, 
00119  * /           which are allowed to have any number of digits. 
00120  * /           The operand1 and operand2 will be compared bitwisely. 
00121  * /           The bit of the results is considered only if 
00122  * /           the corresponding bits in both operands are considered.
00123  * /
00124  * / RETURN VALUE
00125  * /           
00126  * / Notes
00127  * /           It can be used in order to delete/mask certain bits from operands
00128  * /           as follows:
00129  * /             0110 0001   
00130  * /           & 1101 1111  
00131  * /           ----------- 
00132  * /             0100 0001 
00133  * /
00134  * / IMPLEMENTATION for APEnext:  implem                                (bitand)
00135 /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
00136 #define bitand  &
00138 /*------------------------------------------------------------------------------
00139  * / NAME   
00140  * /           bitor - Bitor '|' operation 
00141  * /
00142  * / SYNOPSIS
00143  * /           #include <iso646.h>
00144  * /
00145  * /           int int operand1 bitor (|) int operand2
00146  * / 
00147  * / DESCRIPTION
00148  * /           bitor operation is used with int operand1 and int operand2, 
00149  * /           which are allowed to have any number of digits. 
00150  * /           The two operands will be compared bitwisely. The bit of the 
00151  * /           results is considered if the least the corresponding bit in one 
00152  * /           operand is considered.
00153  * /
00154  * / RETURN VALUE
00155  * /            
00156  * / Notes
00157  * /           It can be used in order to set certain bin in one operand. 
00158  * /           As in the above example, we can set certain bit 
00159  * /           in A in oder to get the letter a.
00160  * /             0100 0001  
00161  * /           | 0010 0000 
00162  * /           ----------- 
00163  * /             0110 0001  
00164  * /
00165  * / IMPLEMENTATION for APEnext:  implem                                  (bitor)
00166 /*------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
00167 #define bitor   |
00169 /*-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
00170  * / NAME   
00171  * /           compl - Bitwise complement '~' operation 
00172  * /
00173  * / SYNOPSIS
00174  * /           #include <iso646.h>
00175  * /
00176  * /           compl (~) int operand
00177  * / 
00178  * / DESCRIPTION
00179  * /           The bitwise complement operand is used to flipp all bits of an
00180  * /           int operand, which is as known allowed to have any number of digits. 
00181  * /
00182  * / RETURN VALUE
00183  * /            
00184  * / Notes
00185  * /           It can be used in order to change all bits of operand as follows: 
00186  * /           ~ 0010 1000   
00187  * /           ----------- 
00188  * /             1101 0111  
00189  * /
00190  * / IMPLEMENTATION for APEnext:  implem                                    (compl)
00191 /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
00192 #define compl   ~
00195 /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------------
00196  * / NAME   
00197  * /           not - logicl not '!' operation 
00198  * /
00199  * / SYNOPSIS
00200  * /           #include <iso646.h>
00201  * /
00202  * /           boolean not (!) boolean operand
00203  * / 
00204  * / DESCRIPTION
00205  * /           With this operator a logical not '!' 
00206  * /           operation will be proceeded, so that the 
00207  * /           logic value of operand will be modified into the other one. 
00208  * /
00209  * / RETURN VALUE
00210  * /           True (non-zero) if the operand was false (zero).
00211  * /           If it was true (non-zero) the returned value is false (zero)
00212  * /  
00213  * / Notes
00214  * /           The logic value will be flipped
00215  * /
00216  * / IMPLEMENTATION for APEnext:  implem                                     (not)
00217 /*-------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
00218 #define not     !
00220 /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------------
00221  * / NAME   
00222  * /           not_eq - not equal '!=' operation 
00223  * /
00224  * / SYNOPSIS
00225  * /           #include <iso646.h>
00226  * /
00227  * /           boolean int operand1 not_eq (!=) int operand2
00228  * / 
00229  * / DESCRIPTION
00230  * /           With this operation a logic not_eq will be proceeded. The operands
00231  * /           are compared bitwise. If they are not equal the result is true,
00232  * /           false otherwise.
00233  * /
00234  * / RETURN VALUE
00235  * /           True (non-zero) if the two operands are not equal, 
00236  * /           otherwise false (zero).
00237  * /
00238  * / Notes
00239  * /           There no assignment operation here     
00240  * /
00241  * / IMPLEMENTATION for APEnext:  implem                                  (not_eq)
00242 /*-------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
00243 #define not_eq  !=
00245 /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------------
00246  * / NAME   
00247  * /           or - logic or '||' operation 
00248  * /
00249  * / SYNOPSIS
00250  * /           #include <iso646.h>
00251  * /
00252  * /           boolean operand1 or (||) boolean operand2
00253  * / 
00254  * / DESCRIPTION
00255  * /           With this operation a logic or '||' will be proceeded. 
00256  * /
00257  * / RETURN VALUE
00258  * /           True (non-zero) value will be returnd if at leat one operand is true.
00259  * /           Otherwise false (zero) 
00260  * /
00261  * / Notes
00262  * /           Following table gives the possible combinations with logic or:
00263  * /           Operand1               Operand2              Results
00264  * /           true                   true                  true
00265  * /           true                   false                 true
00266  * /           false                  true                  true
00267  * /           false                  false                 false
00268  * /
00269  * / IMPLEMENTATION for APEnext:  implem                                      (or)
00270 /*-------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
00271 #define or      ||
00273 /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------------
00274  * / NAME   
00275  * /           or_eq - assignment or_eq '|=' operation 
00276  * /
00277  * / SYNOPSIS
00278  * /           #include <iso646.h>
00279  * /
00280  * /           int operand1 or_eq (|=) int operand2
00281  * / 
00282  * / DESCRIPTION
00283  * /           With this operation an assignment or_eq will be proceeded.
00284  * /           First a bitor (|) operation: operand1 and operand2 will 
00285  * /           be compared bitwise. The bits of the result are set to 1 
00286  * /           if at least the corresponding bits in one of the operands are 1. 
00287  * /           Second the resulting bits will be assigned to operand1
00288  * /
00289  * / RETURN VALUE
00290  * /           The result of the '|' operation will be assigned to the operand1
00291  * /
00292  * / Notes
00293  * /           Following table gives an examle for '|' operation:
00294  * /             0100 0001  
00295  * /           | 0010 0000  
00296  * /           ----------- 
00297  * /             0110 0001  
00298  * /
00299  * / IMPLEMENTATION for APEnext:  implem                                   (or_eq)
00300 /*-------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
00301 #define or_eq   |=
00304 /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------------
00305  * / NAME   
00306  * /           xor - Exclusive bitor operation 
00307  * /
00308  * / SYNOPSIS
00309  * /           #include <iso646.h>
00310  * /
00311  * /           int operand1 xor (^) int operand
00312  * / 
00313  * / DESCRIPTION
00314  * /           The exclusive bitor '^' operation is used in order to compare 
00315  * /           the bits of operand1 
00316  * /           and operand2, which are allowed to have any number of digits. 
00317  * /           The bit is considered if the least the corresponding bit in one 
00318  * /           operand (but not in both operands) is considered.
00319  * /
00320  * / RETURN VALUE
00321  * /            None
00322  * /
00323  * / Notes
00324  * /           For example:
00325  * /             0001 1001    
00326  * /           ^ 0000 1100  
00327  * /           ----------- 
00328  * /             0001 0101  
00329  * /
00330  * / IMPLEMENTATION for APEnext:  implem                                     (xor)
00331 /*-------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
00332 #define xor     ^
00335 /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------------
00336  * / NAME   
00337  * /           xor_eq - Exclusive bitor and assignment '^=' operations 
00338  * /
00339  * / SYNOPSIS
00340  * /           #include <iso646.h>
00341  * /
00342  * /           int operand1 xor_eq (^=) int operand2
00343  * / 
00344  * / DESCRIPTION
00345  * /           The exclusive bitor operation is used in order to 
00346  * /           compare the bits of operand1 
00347  * /           and operand2, which are allowed to have any number of digits. 
00348  * /           The bit is considered if the least the corresponding bit in one 
00349  * /           operand (but not in both operands) is considered. 
00350  * /           The resulting bits are to be assigned to operand1
00351  * /
00352  * / RETURN VALUE
00353  * /           The results will be assigned to operand1
00354  * / 
00355  * / Notes
00356  * /           For example ^-operation:
00357  * /             0001 1001    
00358  * /           ^ 0000 1100  
00359  * /           ----------- 
00360  * /             0001 0101  
00361  * /
00362  * / IMPLEMENTATION for APEnext:  implem                                  (xor_eq)
00363 /*-------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
00364 #define xor_eq  ^=
00367 #endif  /*  _ISO646_H_ */
00369 /*                                                                            @AT*/

Generated on Tue Jan 10 12:43:38 2006 for nlibc by doxygen 1.3.5