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00001 /*--------------------------------------------------------
00002  * /
00003  * / apeNEXT inttypes for nlcc
00004  * /
00005  * / $Id: inttypes.h,v 1.19 2005/10/27 20:04:44 morinl Exp $
00006  * /
00007  * / ISO/IEC 9899:1999 (E) Standard
00008  * / #include <inttypes.h>
00009  * /
00010  * / IMPLEMENTATION for APEnext: possible     (inttypes.h)                [completed yes/no]
00011  * /---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
00013 #ifndef _INTTYPES_H
00014 #define _INTTYPES_H
00016 #include <nlibc.h>
00017 #include <stdint.h>     // for intmax_t etc.
00018 #include <stddef.h>     // for wchar_t etc.
00019 /*------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
00020  * /
00021  * / The purpose of this header file <inttypes.h> is to provide a set of integer types whose 
00022  * / definitions are consistent across the apeNEXT machines and independent of the 
00023  * / operating systems and other implementation idiosyncrasies.
00024  * / 
00025  * / It defines integer types of various sizes. The implementations are free to typedef  
00026  * / as ISO standard integer types or extensions that they support. Consistent use of this 
00027  * / header will greatly increase the portability of applications across our platforms.
00028  * / 
00029  * / The ISO standard specified that the language should support four signed 
00030  * / and unsigned integer data types char, short, int, and long but placed very little 
00031  * / requirement on their size other than that int and short be at least 16 bits and long 
00032  * / be at least as long as int and not smaller than 32 bits. 
00033  * / For 32-bit systems (like old ape1000), the common practice has been to 
00034  * / assign 8, 16, 32, and 32 bits to these types. 
00035  * /
00036  * /This difference in int size can create some problems for users who migrate 
00037  * / from one system to another which assigns different sizes to integer types, because the 
00038  * / ISO standard integer promotion rule can produce silent changes unexpectedly. 
00039  * / 
00040  * / We have excluded the wide-character strings, although some of such variables 
00041  * / are partially defined (only as an example)
00042  * /
00043  * / Note: this header file wil be revised later. Please frequentlly upate the 
00044  * / outcomming further versions!
00045  * /
00046 /*------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
00048 /*------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
00049  * / NAME   
00050  * /           inttypes.h - fixed size integer types
00051  * /
00052  * / SYNOPSIS
00053  * /           #include <inttypes.h>
00054  * /
00055  * / DESCRIPTION
00056  * /           The <inttypes.h> header includes the <stdint.h> header and at least a definition 
00057  * /           of the following type:
00058  * /           imaxdiv_t = structure type that is the type of the value returned by 
00059  * /           the imaxdiv() function.
00060  * /
00061  * / RETURN VALUE
00062  * /
00063  * / Notes
00064  * /           Each of the following macros are to be defined. They expand to character string 
00065  * /           literal containing a conversion specifier, possibly modified by a length modifier, 
00066  * /           suitable for use within the format argument of a formatted input/output function 
00067  * /           when converting the corresponding integer type. These macros have the general form 
00068  * /           of PRI (character string literals for the fprintf() and fwprintf() family of functions) 
00069  * /           or SCN (character string literals for the fscanf() and fwscanf() family of functions), 
00070  * /           followed by the conversion specifier, followed by a name corresponding to a similar 
00071  * /           type name in <stdint.h>. In these names, N represents the width of the type as 
00072  * /           described in <stdint.h>. 
00073  * /           
00074  * /           The fprintf() macros for signed integers are:
00075  * /           PRIdN   PRIdLEASTN  PRIdFASTN   PRIdMAX  PRIdPTR 
00076  * /           PRIiN   PRIiLEASTN  PRIiFASTN   PRIiMAX  PRIiPTR
00077  * /           
00078  * /           The fprintf() macros for unsigned integers are:
00079  * /           PRIoN   PRIoLEASTN  PRIoFASTN   PRIoMAX  PRIoPTR
00080  * /           PRIuN   PRIuLEASTN  PRIuFASTN   PRIuMAX  PRIuPTR
00081  * /           PRIxN   PRIxLEASTN  PRIxFASTN   PRIxMAX  PRIxPTR
00083  * /           
00084  * /           The fscanf() macros for signed integers are:
00085  * /           SCNdN   SCNdLEASTN  SCNdFASTN   SCNdMAX  SCNdPTR
00086  * /           SCNiN   SCNiLEASTN  SCNiFASTN   SCNiMAX  SCNiPTR
00087  * /           
00088  * /           The fscanf() macros for unsigned integers are:
00089  * /           SCNoN   SCNoLEASTN  SCNoFASTN   SCNoMAX  SCNoPTR
00090  * /           SCNuN   SCNuLEASTN  SCNuFASTN   SCNuMAX  SCNuPTR
00091  * /           SCNxN   SCNxLEASTN  SCNxFASTN   SCNxMAX  SCNxPTR
00092  * /           
00093  * /           For each type that the implementation provides in <stdint.h>, the corresponding 
00094  * /           fprintf() and fwprintf() macros shall be defined and the corresponding fscanf() 
00095  * /           and fwscanf() macros shall be defined unless the implementation does not have a 
00096  * /           suitable modifier for the type.
00097  * /           
00098  * /           The following shall be declared as functions and/or be defined as macros. 
00099  * /           Function prototypes shall be provided (will be given below).
00100  * /           intmax_t  imaxabs(intmax_t);
00101  * /           imaxdiv_t imaxdiv(intmax_t, intmax_t);
00102  * /           intmax_t  strtoimax(const char *restrict, char **restrict, int);
00103  * /           uintmax_t strtoumax(const char *restrict, char **restrict, int);
00104  * /           intmax_t  wcstoimax(const wchar_t *restrict, wchar_t **restrict, int);
00105  * /           uintmax_t wcstoumax(const wchar_t *restrict, wchar_t **restrict, int);
00106  * /            
00107  * /           Add. Refs.:
00108  * /           
00109  * / IMPLEMENTATION for APEnext:  partially possible (except. wide-character strings)   inttypes) 
00110  * / --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
00112 /*------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
00113  * /
00114  * /  imaxdiv_t - structure type that is the type of the value returned by the imaxdiv() function
00115  * / 
00116  * /  Note
00117  * /      If we want an integer with the widest range possible on our platform 
00118  * /      on which it is being used, we use one of the following. If we use these, 
00119  * /      we should write code that takes into account the variable size and range of 
00120  * /      the integer.
00121  * /            imtmax_tm uintmax_t
00122  * / 
00123  * / IMPLEMENTATION for APEnext:  possible                            (imaxdiv_t) 
00124  * / --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
00125 typedef struct { intmax_t numer; 
00126                  intmax_t denom; 
00127                } imaxdiv_t;
00129 /*------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
00130  * / (Only as an example!!!!)
00131  * / The macro expands to a string literal suitable for use as a d print conversion specificier, 
00132  * / plus any needed qualifiers, to convert values of the types i
00133  * / int8_t,     PRId8  'hhd'
00134  * / int16_t,    PRId16 'hd'
00135  * / int32_t,    PRId32 'ld'  or 
00136  * / int64_t,    PRID64 'lld' respectively.
00137  * /
00138  * / IMPLEMENTATION for APEnext:  possible                            (PRId64) 
00139  * / --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
00140 #define PRId64  'lld' 
00142 /*------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
00143  * / (Only as an example!!!!)
00144  * / As given in the last macros, the N is defined as 8, 16, 32, 64.
00145  * / The conversion values are of the types int_least8_t, int_least16_t, int_least32_t, 
00146  * / or int_fast64_t respectively.
00147  * /
00148  * / IMPLEMENTATION for APEnext:  possible                            (PRIdLEAST64) 
00149  * / --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
00150 #define PRIdLEAST64 'lld'
00152 /*------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
00153  * / (Only as an example!!!!)
00154  * / As given in the last macros, the N is defined as 8, 16, 32, 64.
00155  * / The conversion values are of the types int_fast8_t, int_fast16_t, int_fast32_t, 
00156  * / or int_fast64_t respectively.
00157  * /
00158  * / IMPLEMENTATION for APEnext:  possible                            (PRIdFAST64) 
00159  * / --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
00160 #define PRIdFAST64  'lld'
00162 /*------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
00163  * / This macro expands to a string literal suitable for use as a d print conversion 
00164  * / specificier, plus any needed qualifiers, to convert values of the types intmax_t.
00165  * /
00166  * / IMPLEMENTATION for APEnext:  possible                            (PRIdMAX) 
00167  * / --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
00168 #define PRIdMAX   'lld' 
00170 /*------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
00171  * / This macro expands to a string literal suitable for use as a d print conversion 
00172  * / specificier, plus any needed qualifiers, to convert values of the types intptr_t. 
00173  * /
00174  * / IMPLEMENTATION for APEnext:  possible                            (PRIdPTR) 
00175  * / --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
00176 #define PRIdPTR  'lld'
00178 /*------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
00179  * / (Only as an example!!!!)
00180  * / For use as a i print
00181  * / As given in the last macros, the N is defined as 8, 16, 32, 64.
00182  * / The conversion values are of the types  int8_t, int16_t, int32_t, or int64_t, respectively.
00183  * /
00184  * / IMPLEMENTATION for APEnext:  possible                            (PRIi64) 
00185  * / --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
00186 #define PRIi64   'lli'
00188 /*------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
00189  * / (Only as an example!!!!)
00190  * / As given in the last macros, the N is defined as 8, 16, 32, 64.
00191  * / The conversion values are of the types int_fast8_t, int_fast16_t, int_fast32_t, 
00192  * / or int_fast64_t respectively.
00193  * /
00194  * / IMPLEMENTATION for APEnext:  possible                            (PRIiFAST64) 
00195  * / --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
00196 #define PRIiFAST64  'lli'
00198 /*------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
00199  * / The conversion values are of the types int_fast8_t, int_fast16_t, int_fast32_t, 
00200  * / or int_fast64_t respectively.
00201  * /
00202  * / IMPLEMENTATION for APEnext:  possible                            (PRIiLEAST64) 
00203  * / --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
00204 #define PRIiLEAST64  'lli'
00206 /*------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
00207  * / The conversion values are of the types intmax_t.
00208  * /
00209  * / IMPLEMENTATION for APEnext:  possible                            (PRIMAX) 
00210  * / --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
00211 #define PRIiMAX     'lli'
00213 /*------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
00214  * / The conversion values are of the types intprt_t.
00215  * /
00216  * / IMPLEMENTATION for APEnext:  possible                            (PRIiPTR) 
00217  * / --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
00218 #define PRIiPTR     'lli' 
00220 /*------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
00221  * / For use as a o print
00222  * / The conversion values are of the types  uint8_t, uint16_t, uint32_t, or uint64_t respectively.
00223  * /
00224  * / IMPLEMENTATION for APEnext:  possible                            (PRIoN) 
00225  * / --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
00226 #define PRIoN       'llo'
00228 /*------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
00229  * / The conversion values are of the types  uint_least8_t, uint_least16_t, uint_least32_t, 
00230  * / or uint_least64_t respectively.
00231  * /
00232  * / IMPLEMENTATION for APEnext:  possible                            (PRIoLEAST64) 
00233  * / --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
00234 #define PRIoLEAST64 'llo'
00236 /*------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
00237  * / The conversion values are of the types  uint_fast8_t, uint_fast16_t, uint_fast32_t, 
00238  * / or uint_fast64_t respectively.
00239  * /
00240  * / IMPLEMENTATION for APEnext:  possible                            (PRIoFAST64) 
00241  * / --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
00242 #define PRIoFAST64  'llo'
00244 /*------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
00245  * / The conversion values are of the types unitmax_t.
00246  * /
00247  * / IMPLEMENTATION for APEnext:  possible                            (PRIoMAX) 
00248  * / --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
00249 #define PRIoMAX     'llo'
00251 /*------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
00252  * / The conversion values are of the types unitprt_t.
00253  * /
00254  * / IMPLEMENTATION for APEnext:  possible                            (PRIoPTR) 
00255  * / --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
00256 #define PRIoPTR     'llo'
00258 /*------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
00259  * / For use as a u print
00260  * / The conversion values are of the types  uint8_t, uint16_t, uint32_t, or uint64_t respectively.
00261  * /
00262  * / IMPLEMENTATION for APEnext:  possible                            (PRIu64) 
00263  * / --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
00264 #define PRIu64      'llu' 
00266 /*------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
00267  * / The conversion values are of the types  uint_least8_t, uint_least16_t, uint_least32_t, 
00268  * / or uint_least64_t respectively.
00269  * /
00270  * / IMPLEMENTATION for APEnext:  possible                            (PRIuLEAST64) 
00271  * / --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
00272 #define PRIuLEAST64 'llu' 
00274 /*------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
00275  * / The conversion values are of the types  uint_fast8_t, uint_fast16_t, uint_fast32_t, 
00276  * / or uint_fast64_t respectively.
00277  * /
00278  * / IMPLEMENTATION for APEnext:  possible                            (PRIuFAST64) 
00279  * / --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
00280 #define PRIuFAST64  'llu'
00282 /*------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
00283  * / The conversion values are of the types unitmax_t.
00284  * /
00285  * / IMPLEMENTATION for APEnext:  possible                            (PRIuMAX) 
00286  * / --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
00287 #define PRIuMAX     'llu' 
00289 /*------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
00290  * / The conversion values are of the types unitprt_t.
00291  * /
00292  * / IMPLEMENTATION for APEnext:  possible                            (PRIuPTR) 
00293  * / --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
00294 #define PRIuPTR     'llu' 
00296 /*------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
00297  * / For use as a x print
00298  * /
00299  * / IMPLEMENTATION for APEnext:  possible                            (PRIxN) 
00300  * /                                                                  (PRIxLEAST46)
00301  * /                                                                  (PRIxFAST46)
00302  * /                                                                  (PRIxMAX)
00303  * /                                                                  (PRIxPTR)
00304  * / --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
00305 #define PRIxN       'llx' 
00307 #define PRIxLEAST64 'llx' 
00309 #define PRIxFAST64  'llx' 
00311 #define PRIxMAX     'llx' 
00313 #define PRIxPTR     'llx'
00315 /*------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
00316  * / For use as a X print
00317  * /
00318  * / IMPLEMENTATION for APEnext:  possible                            (PRId64) 
00319  * / --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
00320 #define PRIX64      'llX' 
00322 #define PRIXLEAST64 'llX'
00324 #define PRIXFAST64  'llX' 
00326 #define PRIXMAX     'llX' 
00328 #define PRIXPTR     'llX' 
00330 /*------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
00331  * / For use as a d scan
00332  * /
00333  * / IMPLEMENTATION for APEnext:  possible                            (SCNd64) 
00334  * /                                                                  (SCNdLEAST46)
00335  * /                                                                  (SCNdFAST46)
00336  * /                                                                  (SCNdMAX)
00337  * /                                                                  (SCNdPTR)
00338  * / --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
00339 #define SCNd64       'lld'
00341 #define SCNdLEAST64  'lld'
00343 #define SCNdFAST64   'lld'
00345 #define SCNdMAX      'lld'
00347 #define SCNdPTR      'lld'
00349 /*------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
00350  * / For use as a i scan
00351  * /
00352  * / IMPLEMENTATION for APEnext:  possible                            (PRIi64) 
00353  * /                                                                  (PRIiLEAST46)
00354  * /                                                                  (PRIiFAST46)
00355  * /                                                                  (PRIiMAX)
00356  * /                                                                  (PRIiPTR)
00357  * / --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
00358 #define SCNi64       'lli'
00360 #define SCNiLEAST64  'lli'
00362 #define SCNiFAST64   'lli'
00364 #define SCNiMAX      'lli'
00366 #define SCNiPTR      'lli'
00368 /*------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
00369  * / For use as a o scan
00370  * /
00371  * / IMPLEMENTATION for APEnext:  possible                            (SCNod64) 
00372  * /                                                                  (SCNoLEAST46)
00373  * /                                                                  (SCNoFAST46)
00374  * /                                                                  (SCNoMAX)
00375  * /                                                                  (SCNoPTR)
00376  * / --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
00377 #define SCNo64       'llo'
00379 #define SCNoLEAST64  'llo'
00381 #define SCNoFAST64   'llo'
00383 #define SCNoMAX      'llo'
00385 #define SCNoPTR      'llo'
00387 /*------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
00388  * / For use as a u scan
00389  * /
00390  * / IMPLEMENTATION for APEnext:  possible                            (SCNu64) 
00391  * /                                                                  (SCNuLEAST46)
00392  * /                                                                  (SCNuFAST46)
00393  * /                                                                  (SCNuMAX)
00394  * /                                                                  (SCNuPTR)
00395  * / --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
00396 #define SCNu64       'llu'
00398 #define SCNuLEAST64  'llu'
00400 #define SCNuFAST64   'llu'
00402 #define SCNuMAX      'llu'
00404 #define SCNuPTR      'llu'
00406 /*------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
00407  * / For use as a x scan
00408  * /
00409  * / IMPLEMENTATION for APEnext:  possible                            (SCNx64) 
00410  * /                                                                  (SCNxLEAST46)
00411  * /                                                                  (SCNxFAST46)
00412  * /                                                                  (SCNxMAX)
00413  * /                                                                  (SCNxPTR)
00414  * / --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
00415 #define SCNx64       'llx'
00417 #define SCNxLEAST64  'llx'
00419 #define SCNxFAST64   'llx'
00421 #define SCNxMAX      'llx'
00423 #define SCNxPTR      'llx'
00425 /*------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
00426  * / For use as a X scan (Following five macros are added by myself)
00427  * /
00428  * / IMPLEMENTATION for APEnext:  possible                            (SCNX64) 
00429  * /                                                                  (SCNXLEAST46)
00430  * /                                                                  (SCNXFAST46)
00431  * /                                                                  (SCNXMAX)
00432  * /                                                                  (SCNXPTR)
00433  * / --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
00434 #define SCNX64       'llX'
00436 #define SCNXLEAST64  'llX'
00438 #define SCNXFAST64   'llX'
00440 #define SCNXMAX      'llX'
00442 #define SCNXPTR      'llX'
00445 /*------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
00446  * / NAME   
00447  * /           imaxabs - absolute value of an intmax_t
00448  * /
00449  * / SYNOPSIS
00450  * /           #include <inttypes.h>
00451  * /
00452  * /           intmax_t imaxabs(intmax_t j)
00453  * /
00454  * / DESCRIPTION
00455  * /           The imaxabs() function computes the absolute value of an integer j. 
00456  * /           If the result cannot be represented, the behavior is undefined  
00457  * /
00458  * / RETURN VALUE
00459  * /           The imaxabs() function returns the absolute value of an integer of type intmax_t. 
00460  * /
00461  * / Notes
00462  * /          
00463  * /
00464  * / IMPLEMENTATION for APEnext:  possible      (imaxabs) 
00465  * / --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
00466 #define imaxabs(I) ((intmax_t)abs((int)I))
00468 /*------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
00469  * / NAME   
00470  * /           imaxdiv - quotient and remainder
00471  * /
00472  * / SYNOPSIS
00473  * /           #include <inttypes.h>
00474  * /
00475  * /           imaxdiv_t imaxdiv(intmax_t numer, intmax_t denom)
00476  * /
00477  * / DESCRIPTION
00478  * /           The imaxdiv() function computes numer / denom and numer % denom in a 
00479  * /           single operation. It returns both quotient and remainder in the structure 
00480  * /           result x, if the quotient can be represented. The structure member x.quot 
00481  * /           is the algebraic quotient truncated toward zero. The structure member 
00482  * /           x.rem is the remainder, such that numer == x.quot*denom + x.rem.
00483  * /
00484  * / RETURN VALUE
00485  * /           The imaxdiv() function returns a structure of type imaxdiv_t, 
00486  * /           comprising both the quotient and the remainder. 
00487  * /
00488  * / Notes
00489  * /           If either part of the result cannot be represented, the behavior is undefined
00490  * /
00491  * /           Implem. example typedef struct {intmax_t quot, rem;  } imaxdiv_t;
00492  * /
00493  * / IMPLEMENTATION for APEnext:  possible      (imaxdiv) 
00494  * / --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
00495 #define imaxdiv(N,D) ((intmax_t)div((int)N,(int)D)
00497 /*------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
00498  * / NAME   
00499  * /           strtoimax - converts string to integer type equivalent of intmax_t
00500  * /
00501  * / SYNOPSIS
00502  * /           #include <inttypes.h>
00503  * /
00504  * /           intmax_t strtoimax(const char *restrict nptr, char **restrict endptr, int base)
00505  * /
00506  * / DESCRIPTION
00507  * /           The  strtoimax() function is equivalent to the strtol(), strtoll(), strtoul(), 
00508  * /           and strtoull() functions, except that the initial portion of the string is 
00509  * /           converted to intmax_t. It converts the initial characters of the string s 
00510  * /           to an equivalent value x of type intmax_t. If endptr is not a null pointer, 
00511  * /           it stores a pointer to the unconverted remainder of the string in *endptr. 
00512  * /           It then returns x. strtoimax converts strings exactly as does strtol.
00513  * /
00514  * / RETURN VALUE
00515  * /           The  strtoimax() function return intmax_t value
00516  * /
00517  * / Notes
00518  * /           If the correct value is outside the range of representable values, 
00519  * /           {INTMAX_MAX}, {INTMAX_MIN}, or {UINTMAX_MAX} shall be returned (according to
00520  * /           the return type and sign of the value, if any), and errno shall be set to [ERANGE].
00521  * /
00522  * / IMPLEMENTATION for APEnext:  possible      (strtoimax) 
00523  * / --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
00524 #ifndef __HAS_MAIN
00525 extern intmax_t strtoimax(const char * restrict nptr, char ** restrict endptr, int base) ;
00526 #else
00527 #if !defined(__cflow_processed) || defined(_uses_strtoimax_inttypes_h)
00528 intmax_t strtoimax(const char * restrict nptr, char ** restrict endptr, int base) 
00529 {
00530   return(0);
00531 }
00532 #endif // stdtoimax()
00533 #endif // Has Main
00535 /*------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
00536  * / NAME   
00537  * /           strtoumax - converts string to integer type equivalent of unitmax_t
00538  * /
00539  * / SYNOPSIS
00540  * /           #include <inttypes.h>
00541  * /
00542  * /           uintmax_t strtoumax(const char *restrict nptr, char **restrict endptr, int base)
00543  * /
00544  * / DESCRIPTION
00545  * /           The  strtoumax() function is equivalent to the strtol(), strtoll(), strtoul(), 
00546  * /           and strtoull() functions, except that the initial portion of the string is 
00547  * /           converted to unitmax_t. It converts the initial characters of the string s 
00548  * /           to an equivalent value x of type uintmax_t. If endptr is not a null pointer, 
00549  * /           it stores a pointer to the unconverted remainder of the string in *endptr. 
00550  * /           It then returns x. strtoumax converts strings exactly as does strtoul.          
00551  * /
00552  * / RETURN VALUE
00553  * /           The  strtoumax() function return intmax_t value
00554  * /
00555  * / Notes
00556  * /           If the correct value is outside the range of representable values, 
00557  * /           {INTMAX_MAX}, {INTMAX_MIN}, or {UINTMAX_MAX} shall be returned (according to
00558  * /           the return type and sign of the value, if any), and errno shall be set to [ERANGE].
00559  * /           
00560  * / IMPLEMENTATION for APEnext:  possible      (strtoumax) 
00561  * / --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
00562 #ifndef __HAS_MAIN
00563 extern uintmax_t strtoumax(const char * restrict nptr, char ** restrict endptr, int base) ;
00564 #else
00565 #if !defined(__cflow_processed) || defined(_uses_strtoumax_inttypes_h)
00566 uintmax_t strtoumax(const char * restrict nptr, char ** restrict endptr, int base) 
00567 {
00568   return(0);
00569 }
00570 #endif
00571 #endif // Has Main
00573 /*------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
00574  * / NAME   
00575  * /           wcstoimax - convert a wide-character string to an integer type of type intmax_t
00576  * /
00577  * / SYNOPSIS
00578  * /           #include <inttypes.h>
00579  * /
00580  * /           intmax_t wcstoimax(const wchar_t *restrict nptr, wchar_t **restrict endptr, int base)
00581  * /
00582  * / DESCRIPTION
00583  * /           The wcstoimax() function is equivalent to the wcstol(), wcstoll(), wcstoul(), 
00584  * /           and wcstoull() functions, respectively, except that the initial
00585  * /           portion of the wide string shall be converted to intmax_t. It converts the 
00586  * /           initial wide characters of the wide string s to an equivalent value x of 
00587  * /           type intmax_t. If endptr is not a null pointer, the function stores a
00588  * /           pointer to the unconverted remainder of the wide string in *endptr. 
00589  * /           The function then returns x.          
00590  * /
00591  * / RETURN VALUE
00592  * /          The wcstoimax() function return intmax_t value 
00593  * /
00594  * / Notes
00595  * /           If no conversion could be performed, zero shall be returned. If the correct 
00596  * /           value is outside the range of representable values, {INTMAX_MAX},
00597  * /           {INTMAX_MIN}, or {UINTMAX_MAX} shall be returned (according to the return 
00598  * /           type and sign of the value, if any), and errno shall be set to [ERANGE].
00599  * /
00600  * / IMPLEMENTATION for APEnext:  not needed/not implemented for APEnext      (wcstoimax) 
00601  * / --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
00602 #ifndef __HAS_MAIN
00603 extern intmax_t wcstoimax(const wchar_t * restrict nptr, wchar_t ** restrict endptr, int base) ;
00604 #else
00605 #if !defined(__cflow_processed) || defined(_uses_wcstoimax_inttypes_h)
00606 intmax_t wcstoimax(const wchar_t * restrict nptr, wchar_t ** restrict endptr, int base) 
00607 {
00608 #ifdef __cflow_processed
00609 #  error "Wide-characters not implemented"
00610 #endif
00611 }
00612 #endif // wcstoimax()
00613 #endif // Has Main
00615 /*------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
00616  * / NAME   
00617  * /           wcstoumax - convert a wide-character string to an integer typ  
00618  * /
00619  * / SYNOPSIS
00620  * /           #include <inttypes.h>
00621  * /
00622  * /           unitmax_t wcstoumax(const wchar_t *restrict nptr, wchar_t **restrict endptr, int base)
00623  * /
00624  * / DESCRIPTION
00625  * /           The wcstoumax() function is equivalent to the wcstol(), wcstoll(), wcstoul(), 
00626  * /           and wcstoull() functions, respectively, except that the initial
00627  * /           portion of the wide string shall be converted to unitmax_t
00628  * /
00629  * / RETURN VALUE
00630  * /           The wcstoimax() function return unitmax_t value
00631  * /
00632  * / Notes
00633  * /           If no conversion could be performed, zero shall be returned. If the correct 
00634  * /           value is outside the range of representable values, {INTMAX_MAX},
00635  * /           {INTMAX_MIN}, or {UINTMAX_MAX} shall be returned (according to the return 
00636  * /           type and sign of the value, if any), and errno shall be set to [ERANGE].
00637  * /
00638  * / IMPLEMENTATION for APEnext:  not needed/implemented for APEnext   (wcstoumax) 
00639  * / --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
00640 #ifndef __HAS_MAIN
00641 extern uintmax_t wcstoumax(const wchar_t * restrict nptr, wchar_t ** restrict endptr, int base) ;
00642 #else
00643 #if !defined(__cflow_processed) || defined(_uses_wcstoumax_inttypes_h)
00644 uintmax_t wcstoumax(const wchar_t * restrict nptr, wchar_t ** restrict endptr, int base) 
00645 {
00646 #ifdef __cflow_processed
00647 #  error "Wide-characters not implemented"
00648 #endif
00649 }
00650 #endif // wcstoumax()
00651 #endif // Has Main
00653 #endif   /* ifndef _INTTYPES_H_ */

Generated on Tue Jan 10 12:43:38 2006 for nlibc by doxygen 1.3.5