- CRC-TR 211 lecture week
Lecture series on Introduction to Lattice QCD
Lattice QCD and Dynamical models for Heavy Ion Physics
December 10-13, 2019, Limburg, German - Workshop on the
"QCD Phase Structure at High Baryon Density Region"
Invited talk on
Spectral and tranport properties from Lattice QCD
November 12-14, 2019, CCNU Wuhan, China - Quark Matter 2019
parallel talk on
Thermal quarkonium physics from Lattice QCD
November 4-9, 2019, Wuhan, USA - ALICE FSP meeting 2019
Invited Tak on
Fluctuations and Correlations of Conserved Charges
from Lattice QCD
September 1-3, 2019, Kloster Seeon, Germany - HIC for FAIR Colloquium Giessen
Colloquium Talk on
Spectral and transport properties from Lattice QCD
July 18, 2019, JLU Giessen, Germany - QCD in eXtreme conditions (XQCD2019)
Poster on
Correlation functions with gradient flow from Lattice QCD
June 24-26, 2019, Tokyo, Japan - 37th international conference on lattice field theory (LATTICE2019)
Member of the local organizing commitee
June 16-22, 2019, CCNU Wuhan, China
- Helmholtz International Summer School
Hadron Structure, Hadronic Matter, and Lattice QCD
August 20 - September 2, 2017, JINR Dubna, Russia - Karpacz Winter School on Theoretical Physics
Lecture series on
Lattice QCD results on soft and hard probes
of strongly intracting matter
February 2017, Karpacz, Poland - RIKEN BNL Research Center Workshop
invited talk on
Spectral and Transport properties from Lattice QCD
February 13, 2017, BNL Brookhaven, USA - Quark Matter 2017
plenary talk on
Lattice QCD results on soft and hard probes
of strongly intracting matter
February 9, 2017, Chicago, USA
- Hard Probes 2016
plenary talk on
Hard Probes on the Lattice
September 23, 2016, Wuhan, China - Workshop on Tomography of the QGP with heavy quarks
invited talk on
Lattice QCD - bulk results with focus on charm
October 11, 2016, Lorentz Center Leiden, Netherlands - Seminar talk at Brookhaven National Laboratory
Lattice constraints on the thermal dilepton and photon rate
June 17, 2016, BNL Brookhaven, USA - RHIC & AGS Users Anual Users Meeting
invited talk on
Transport and spectral properties of heavy quarks
June 7, 2016, BNL Brookhaven, USA - QCD in eXtreme conditions (XQCD2016)
talk on
Lattice constraints on the thermal dilepton and photon rate
August 1, 2016, Plymouth, England - 30 years of J/Psi suppression
Talk on
Heavy Quarkonia on the lattice:
spectral and transport properties at high temperature
May 27, 2016, ZIF Bielefeld (Germany) - ECT* Workshop on
Advances in transport and response properties of strongly interacting systems
Talk on
Spectral and Transport properties from Lattice QCD
May 02-06, 2016, ECT* Trento (Italy) - Excited QCD 2016
Talk on
Flavored aspects of the QCD Thermodynamics
March 06-12, 2016, Caparica (Portugal)
- XQCD 2015
Talk on
Transport and Spectral Properties for Heavy Quarks from Lattice QCD
September 21-23, 2015, CCNU Wuhan (China) - Strangeness in Quark Matter 2015
Invited General lecture on
Additional strange hadrons from QCD thermodynamics
and freezeout in heavy ion collisions
July 06-11, 2015, JINR Dubna (Russia) - Helmholtz International Summer School Dense Matter 2015
Invited Lectures on
Lattice QCD simulations of correlations and deconfinement
June 29 - July 11, 2015, JINR Dubna (Russia) - KITPC program sQGP and extreme QCD
Invited talks on
Spectral and Transport properties of the QGP - Light Quarks
Spectral and Transport properties of the QGP - Heavy Quarks
May 11- June 06, 2015, KITPC Beijing (China) - ECT* Workshop on
Heavy Quark physics in Heavy Ion collisions
Invited Talk on
Transport and spectral properties of heavy quarks
March 16-20, 2015, ECT* Trento (Italy) - Seminar Talk at the University of Wroclaw on
Recent Developments in Lattice QCD studies for
Transport Coefficients and Quarkonia in the QGP
March 03, 2015, Wroclaw (Poland) - Royal Society Scientific Seminar on Heavy Quarks
Invited Talk on
Continuum result of the Heavy Quark Momentum Diffusion Coefficient
January 28-29, 2015, Chicheley Hall (England)
- Heavy Quark Production in Heavy Ion Collisions
November 14-17, 2012, Utrecht (Netherlands)
Invited Talk: Recent Developments in Lattice Studies
for Quarkonia - High Pt Physics at LHC 2012
October 21-24, 2012, Wuhan (China)
Invited Talk: Spectral Functions and Transport properties
from Lattice QCD - QCD Structure I
October 7-20, 2012, Wuhan (China)
Invited Talk: Hadrons in Medium - Hard Probes 2012
May 27 - June 01, 2012, Cagliari (Italy)
Plenary Talk: Recent Developments in Lattice Studies
for Quarkonia - 1st German GPU Computing Group (G2CG) Meeting
April 18-19, 2012, Kaiserslautern (Germany)
Invited Talk: Gitter-QCD und der Bielefelder GPU Cluster - "Arbeitstreffen Kernphysik"
February 16-23, 2012, Schleching (Germany)
Invited Talk: Hadronic Correlation and Spectral Functions
in the QGP from Quenched Lattice QCD
- Invited Seminar Talk
November 16-19, 2011, University of Wroclaw (Poland)
Hadronic Correlation and Spectral Functions
in the QGP from Quenched Lattice QCD - Invited Seminar Talk
November 13-16, 2011, Jagiellonian University Krakow (Poland)
Hadronic Correlation and Spectral Functions
in the QGP from Quenched Lattice QCD - Quarkonium Working Group International Workshop on
Heavy Quarkonium 2011
October 4-7, 2011, GSI Darmstadt (Germany)
Invited Talk: Charmonium Spectral Functions and
Transport Coefficients from Quenched Lattice QCD - 486. We-Heraeus-Seminar on
Characterization of the QGP with Heavy Quarks
July 11-15, 2011, Bad Honnef (Germany)
Invited Talk: Hadronic correlation and spectral functions
from Quenched Lattice QCD - STRONGnet Summer School 2011
June 14-25, 2011, ZIF Bielefeld (Germany)
Talk: Introduction to GPU Programming using CUDA - Quark Matter 2011
May 23-28, 2011, Annecy (France)
Talk: Electrical Conductivity and Thermal Dilepton Rate
from Quenched Lattice QCD - Soft Opening Workshop of the
Bielefeld Initiative: Graduate School in Theoretical Sciences
February 14-15, 2011, Marienfeld (Germany)
- ECT*-Workshop on
Electromagnetic Probes in Strongly Interacting Matter
September 13-17, 2010, ECT*, Trento (Italy)
Estimating Dilepton Rates and Electrical Conductivity - ExtreMe Matter Institute Workshop
HOT MATTER - Quasiparticles or Quasinormal Modes
August 24-28, 2010, Vienna (Austria) - Extreme QCD 2010
June 21-23, 2010, Bad Honnef (Germany).
Estimating dilepton rates and electrical conductivity - Invited Seminar Talk
March 8-10, 2010, Trinity College Dublin (Ireland).
Hadronic Correlation and Spectral Functions at Finite T - Workshop on P- and CP-odd Effects in Hot and Dense Matter
April 26-30, 2010, Brookhaven National Lab (USA) - Saturation, the Color Glass Condensate and Glasma:
What Have we Learned from RHIC?
May 10-12, 2010, Brookhaven National Lab (USA)
- Excited QCD 09, Winter Meeting on QCD
February 8-14, 2009, Zakopane (Poland)
Talk: Heavy Quark Free Energies and Screening from Lattice QCD - ECT*-Workshop on
Heavy Quarkonium Production in Heavy-Ion Collisions
May 25-29, 2009, ECT*, Trento (Italy).
Talk: Quarkonium in Lattice QCD - Joint CATHIE-INT mini-program
Quarkonium in Hot Media: from QCD to Experiment
June 16-26, 2009, INT Seattle (USA)
Talk: Quarkonium in Lattice QCD - HIC for FAIR Workshop
Dense QCD Phases in HIC and Supernovae
October 11-13, 2009, Prerow (Germany)
Talk: Hadronic Correlation and Spectral Functions in Lattice QCD - FAIR Lattice QCD Days
November 23-24, 2009, GSI Darmstadt (Germany)
Talk: Hadronic Correlation and Spectral Functions at Finite T