Time/place: |
Tue 12:25-14:00 (D6-135), Wed 10:00-12:00 (D6-135) & Fri 8:30-10:00 (D6-135)
→ more detailed calendar of the lectures
Mon 12:30-14:00 (D6-135)
Instructor: Nicolas Borghini (borghini at physik dot uni-bielefeld dot de)
Tutor: Dennis Schröder
Oral exam, registration at the end of the semester
→ list of exam dates (please register at the Prüfungsamt)
Homepage: |
http://www.physik.uni-bielefeld.de/~borghini/Teaching/Hydrodynamics |
News: |
Outcome of the lectures evaluation |
Prerequisites: |
Classical mechanics, Special Relativity, Thermodynamics & Statistical physics
(Theoretische Physik I, II, III) |
Literature: |
* Faber: Fluid dynamics for physicists
* Fließbach: Lehrbuch zur theoretischen Physik:
Band I: Mechanik
* Guyon, Hulin, Petit, Mitescu: Physical hydrodynamics
* Landau & Lifshitz: Course of theoretical physics:
Vol. 6: Hydrodynamics
* Rezzolla & Zanotti: Relativistic hydrodynamics
(online access, list of corrections)
Content: |
Basic notions on continuous media
April 11 Continuum hypothesis; local thermodynamic equilibrium
April 13 Lagrangian and Eulerian description
April 17 Mechanical stress
Kinematics of a continuous medium
April 17 Motion of a fluid element
April 18 Classification of fluid flows
Fundamental equations of non-relativistic fluid dynamics
April 18 Reynolds transport theorem; conservation of mass
April 20 Euler equation & energy conservation in a perfect fluid
April 24 Alternative forms of the Euler equation;
Navier-Stokes equation
Inviscid non-relativistic flows
April 25 & 27 Hydrostatics; steady flows of a perfect fluid
May 2 Vortex dynamics in a perfect fluid
May 4 Math. interlude: curvilinear coordinates
May 9 Potential flows
May 16 Two-dimensional potential flows
Waves in non-relativistic perfect fluids
May 23 Linear sea surface waves
May 29 Sound waves in a perfect fluid
May 30 & June 6 Shock waves
June 6 Math. interlude: first order partial differential equations
Dissipative non-relativistic flows
June 8 Fundamental equations of the dynamics of Newtonian fluids
June 13 Simple steady flows of a Newtonian fluid
June 15 Dynamic similarity;
dimensional analysis
June 19 Flows at low Reynolds number
June 20 An example of boundary layer: first Stokes problem
Dynamics of relativistic fluids
June 27 Fundamental equations of relativistic fluid dynamics
June 29 & July 3 Perfect relativistic fluids
July 3 An example of perfect relativistic flow
July 6 Dissipative relativistic fluids
Turbulence and heat convection in nonrelativistic fluids
July 11 Turbulence: phenomenology and basic modeling
July 13 Statistical description of turbulence
July 17 & 18 Convective heat transfer  
Links: |
* Illustrative videos by the (US) National Committee for Fluid Mechanics Films;
you can also check the accompanying film notes
* Further fluid mechanics movies are available here
* Online version of the NIST Handbook of mathematical functions