Thermische Feldtheorie -- Thermal Field Theory

Time/Place: Do 14-16 (D6-135) [WS 2005]
York Schröder (yorks at physik dot uni-bielefeld dot de) E6-118
Prerequisites: Quantum Mechanics, Statistics.
Literature: * J. Kapusta, Finite-Temperature Field Theory.
* M. Le Bellac, Thermal Field Theory.
* N.P. Landsman und Ch.G. van Weert, Real- and imaginary-time field theory at finite temperature and density, Phys.Reports 145(1987)141-249.
* M. Quiros, Field theory at finite temperature and phase transitions, Helv.Phys.Acta 67(1994)451-583.
Topics: * Review QM + Statistics
* Path Integral
* Scalar theory
* Gauge theory
* Applications
Schedule: (01) 20.10.: Planning+Lit / Motivation / pix+movies
(02) 27.10.: review of StatMech
(03) 03.11.: review of QFT
(04) 10.11.: Greens at T; PathInt
(05) 17.11.: more PathInt; Fourier at T
(06) 24.11.: pert expansion; LO: Z_0 in phi^4
(07) 01.12.: NLO: Z_int^(1), G_2^(1); 1loop sum-integrals
(08) 08.12.: Z_int(2), G_2(2); all-order proof of cloud-canc; sums -> contour ints
(09) 15.12.: Pi(1); renormalization
(10) 22.12.: IR divergences, ring resummation, NNLO pressure
(11) 05.01.: no lecture
(12) 12.01.: QCD: gauge, Feynman rules; matrices A-D
(13) 19.01.: collective excitations, plasma frequency
(14) 26.01.: HTLs, effective action
(15) 02.02.: Outlook
(16) 09.02.: no lecture