A complete list can be found here:
Most publications are also contained
in the following list:
[174] P. Reimann and C. Eidecker-Dunkel
Thermalization in a simple spin-chain model
Phys. Rev. B 111, 054312 (2025)
[173] L. Dabelow and P. Reimann
Random matrix approach to time-dependent forcing in many-body quantum systems
Phys. Rev. B 110, 144308 (2024)
[172] P. Reimann and C. Eidecker-Dunkel
Onsager's regression hypothesis adjusted to quantum systems
Phys. Rev. B 101, 014306 (2024)
[171] L. Dabelow and P. Reimann
Stalled response near thermal equilibrium in periodically driven systems
Nat. Commun. 15, 294 (2024)
[170] P. Reimann, P. Vorndamme, and J. Schnack
Nonequilibration, synchronization, and time crystals
in isotropic Heisenberg models
Phys. Rev. Research 5, 043040 (2023)
[169] C. Eidecker-Dunkel and P. Reimann
Allosteric impurity effects in long spin chains
Phys. Rev. B 108, 054407 (2023)
[168] L. Dabelow, P. Vorndamme, and P. Reimann
Thermalization of locally perturbed many-body quantum systems
Phys. Rev. B 105, 024310 (2022)
[167] P. Reimann
Symmetry-prohibited thermalization after a quantum quench
J. Stat. Mech. 103106 (2021)
[166] P. Reimann and L. Dabelow
Refining Deutsch's approach to thermalization
Phys. Rev. E 103, 022119 (2021)
[165] L. Dabelow and P. Reimann
Typical relaxation of perturbed quantum many-body systems
J. Stat. Mech. 013106 (2021)
[164] L. Dabelow, P. Vorndamme, and P. Reimann
Modification of quantum many-body relaxation by perturbations exhibiting a banded matrix structure
Phys. Rev. Research 2, 033210 (2020)
[163] P. Reimann and J. Gemmer
Why are macroscopic experiments reproducible? Imitating the behavior of an ensemble by single pure states
Physica A 552, 121840 (2020)
[162] L. Dabelow and P. Reimann
Persistent many-body quantum echoes
Phys. Rev. Research 2, 023216 (2020)
[161] L. Dabelow and P. Reimann
Predicting Imperfect Echo Dynamics in Many-Body
Quantum Systems
Z. Naturforsch. A 75, 403 (2020)
[160] L. Dabelow and P. Reimann
Relaxation Theory for Perturbed Many-Body Quantum Systems versus Numerics and Experiment
Phys. Rev. Lett. 124, 120602 (2020)
[159] P. Reimann, B. N. Balz, J. Richter,
and R. Steinigeweg,
Temporal relaxation of gapped many-body quantum systems
Phys. Rev. B 101, 094302 (2020)
[158] P. Reimann
Transportless equilibration in isolated many-body quantum systems
New J. Phys. 21, 053014 (2019)
[157] B. N. Balz, J. Richter,
J. Gemmer, R. Steinigeweg, and P. Reimann
Dynamical typicality for initial states with
a preset measurement statistics of
several commuting observables
Chapter 17 (p. 413-433) in
Thermodynamics in the Quantum Regime,
edited by F. Binder, L. A. Correa,
C. Gogolin, J. Anders, and G. Adesso,
Springer (Cham) 2019
[156] P. Reimann and L. Dabelow
Typicality of prethermalization
Phys. Rev. Lett. 122, 080603 (2019)
[155] P. Reimann and J. Gemmer
Full expectation-value statistics for randomly sampled pure
states in high-dimensional quantum systems
Phys. Rev. E 99, 012125 (2019)
[154] P. Reimann
Dynamical typicality of isolated many-body quantum systems
Phys. Rev. E 97, 062129 (2018)
[153] P. Reimann
Dynamical typicality approach to eigenstate thermalization
Phys. Rev. Lett. 120, 230601 (2018)
[152] T. Töws and P. Reimann
Lateral trapping of DNA inside a voltage gated nanopore
Phys. Rev. E 95, 062413 (2017)
[151] B. N. Balz and P. Reimann
Typical relaxation of isolated many-body systems which do not thermalize
Phys. Rev. Lett. 118, 190601 (2017)
[150] B. N. Balz and P. Reimann
Equilibration of isolated many-body quantum systems with respect to general distinguishability measures
Phys. Rev. E 93, 062107 (2016)
[149] P. Reimann
Typical fast thermalization processes in closed many-body systems
Nat. Commun. 7, 10821 (2016)
[148] P. Reimann
Generalization of von Neumann's Approach to Thermalization
Phys. Rev. Lett. 115, 010403 (2015)
[147] P. Reimann
Eigenstate thermalization: Deutsch's approach and beyond
New J. Phys. 17, 055025 (2015)
[146] A. Sischka, L. Galla, A. J. Meyer, A. Spiering, S. Knust,
M. Mayer, A. R. Hall, A. Beyer, P. Reimann,
A. Gölzhäuser, and D. Anselmetti
Controlled translocation of DNA through nanopores in carbon nano-, silicon-nitride- and lipid-coated membranes
Analyst 140, 4843 (2015)
[145] M. Evstigneev and P. Reimann
Force dependence of energy barriers in atomic friction and
single-molecule force spectroscopy: critique of a critical
scaling relation
J. Phys.: Condens. Matter 27 , 125004 (2015)
M. Evstigneev, J. J. Mazo, and P. Reimann
Stochastic Modeling and Rate Theory of Atomic Friction
p. 115-137 in
Fundamentals of Friction and Wear on the Nanoscale'',
edited by E. Gnecco and E. Meyer, Springer (Berlin) 2014
L. Galla, A. J. Meyer, A. Spiering, A. Sischka, M. Mayer,
A. R. Hall, P. Reimann, and D. Anselmetti
Hydrodynamic slip on DNA observed by optical tweezers-controlled
translocation experiments with solid-state and lipid-coated nanopores
Nano Lett. 14 , 4176 (2014)
[142] M. Evstigneev and P. Reimann
Thermally Activated Contact Strengthening Explains Nonmonotonic
Temperature and Velocity Dependence of Atomic Friction
Phys. Rev. X 3, 041020 (2013)
[141] S. Getfert, T. Töws, and P. Reimann
Reluctance of a neutral nanoparticle to enter a charged pore
Phys. Rev. E 88, 052710 (2013)
[140] P. Reimann and M. Evstigneev
Quantum versus classical foundation of statistical mechanics under experimentally realistic conditions
Phys. Rev. E 88, 052114 (2013)
[139] S. Getfert, T. Töws, and P. Reimann
Opposite translocation of long and short oligomers through a nanopore
Phys. Rev. E 87, 062710 (2013)
[138] M. Evstigneev and P. Reimann
Stick-slip statistics in atomic friction
Phys. Rev. B 87, 205441 (2013)
[137] M. Evstigneev, K. Mougin, and P. Reimann
Modeling of nanoparticle manipulation by AFM: Rolling vs. sliding regimes
EPL 101, 66002 (2013)
[136] C. Schmal, P. Reimann, and D. Staiger
A Circadian Clock-Regulated Toggle Switch Explains AtGRP7 and AtGRP8 Oscillations in Arabidopsis thaliana
PLoS Comput. Biol. 9, e1002986 (2013)
[135] P. Reimann
Equilibration of isolated macroscopic quantum systems under
experimentally realistic conditions
Phys. Scr. 86, 058512 (2012)
[134] L. Bogunovic, M. Fliedner, R. Eichhorn, S. Wegener,
J. Regtmeier, D. Anselmetti, and P. Reimann
Chiral Particle Separation by a Nonchiral Microlattice
Phys. Rev. Lett. 109, 100603 (2012)
[133] P. Reimann, A. Meyer, and S. Getfert
On the Lubensky-Nelson Model of Polymer Translocation through Nanopores
Biophys. J. 103, 889 (2012)
[132] D. Speer, R. Eichhorn, M. Evstigneev, and P. Reimann
Dimer motion on a periodic substrate: Spontaneous symmetry
breaking and absolute negative mobility
Phys. Rev. E 85, 061132 (2012),
Physics Synopsis
[131] A. Fuhrmann, S. Getfert,
Q. Fu, P. Reimann, S. M. Lindsay, and R. Ros
Long Lifetime of Hydrogen-Bonded DNA Basepairs by Force Spectroscopy
Biophys. J. 102, 2381 (2012)
[130] P. Reimann and M. Kastner
Equilibration of isolated macroscopic quantum systems
New J. Phys. 14, 043020 (2012)
[129] D. Speer, R. Eichhorn, and P. Reimann
Anisotropic diffusion in square lattice potentials: giant enhancement and control
EPL 97, 60004 (2012)
[128] L. Bogunovic, R. Eichhorn, J. Regtmeier, D. Anselmetti, and P. Reimann
Particle sorting by a structured microfluidic ratchet device with tunable selectivity: theory and experiment
Soft Matter 8, 3900 (2012)
[127] S. Getfert and P. Reimann
Hidden Multiple Bond Effects in Dynamic Force Spectroscopy
Biophys. J. 102, 1184 (2012)
[126] M. Evstigneev and P. Reimann
Rolling and sliding of a nanorod between two planes: Tribological regimes and control of friction
Phys. Rev. B 85, 035447 (2012)
[125] A. Spiering, S. Getfert, A. Sischka, P. Reimann, and D. Anselmetti
Nanopore Translocation Dynamics of a Single DNA-Bound Protein
Nano Lett. 11, 2978 (2011)
[124] M. Evstigneev and P. Reimann
Langevin equation for a system nonlinearly coupled to a heat bath
Phys. Rev. B 82, 224303 (2010)
[123] P. Tierno, P. Reimann, T.H. Johansen, and F. Sagues
Giant Transversal Particle Diffusion in a Longitudinal Magnetic Ratchet
Phys. Rev. Lett. 105, 230602 (2010),
Physical Review Focus
[122] S. Getfert and P. Reimann
Thermally activated escape far from equilibrium: A unified path-integral approach
Chem. Phys. 375, 386 (2010)
[121] D. Speer, R. Eichhorn, and P. Reimann
Exploiting Lattice Potentials for Sorting Chiral Particles
Phys. Rev. Lett. 105, 090602 (2010)
[120] P. Reimann
Canonical thermalization
New J. Phys. 12, 055027 (2010)
[119] R. Eichhorn, J. Regtmeier, D. Anselmetti, and P. Reimann
Negative mobility and sorting of colloidal particles
Soft Matter 6, 1858 (2010)
[118] S. Getfert and P. Reimann
Suppression of thermally activated escape by heating
Phys. Rev. E 80, 030101(R) (2009)
[117] D. Speer, R. Eichhorn, and P. Reimann
Directing Brownian Motion on a Periodic Surface
Phys. Rev. Lett. 102, 124101 (2009)
[116] S. von Gehlen, M. Evstigneev, and P. Reimann
Ratchet effect of a dimer with broken friction symmetry in a symmetric potential
Phys. Rev. E 79, 031114 (2009)
[115] S. Getfert, M. Evstigneev, and P. Reimann
Single-molecule force spectroscopy: Practical limitations beyond Bell's model
Physica A 388, 1120 (2009)
[114] M. Evstigneev, S. von Gehlen, and P. Reimann
Interaction-controlled Brownian motion in a tilted periodic potential
Phys. Rev. E 79, 011116 (2009)
[113] P. Reimann
Foundation of Statistical Mechanics under Experimentally Realistic Conditions
Phys. Rev. Lett. 101, 190403 (2008)
[112] P. Reimann and R. Eichhorn
Weak Disorder Strongly Improves the Selective Enhancement of Diffusion in a Tilted Periodic Potential
Phys. Rev. Lett. 101, 180601 (2008)
[111] M. Evstigneev, A. Schirmeisen, L. Jansen, H. Fuchs, and P. Reimann
Contact ageing in atomic friction
J. Phys.: Condens. Matter 20, 354001 (2008)
[110] P. Reimann
Typicality of Pure States Randomly Sampled According to the Gaussian Adjusted Projected Measure
J. Stat. Phys. 132, 921 (2008)
[109] J. Nagel, D. Speer, T. Gaber, A. Sterck, R. Eichhorn, P. Reimann, K. Ilin, M. Siegel, D. Koelle, and R. Kleiner
Observation of Negative Absolute Resistance in a Josephson Junction
Phys. Rev. Lett. 100, 217001 (2008)
[108] P. Reimann
Reply to a Comment on "Typicality for Generalized Microcanonical Ensembles"
Phys. Rev. Lett. 100, 148902 (2008)
[107] M. Evstigneev, O. Zvyagolskaya, S. Bleil, R. Eichhorn, C. Bechinger, and P. Reimann
Diffusion of colloidal particles in a tilted periodic potential: Theory versus experiment
Phys. Rev. E 77, 041107 (2008)
[106] S. von Gehlen, M. Evstigneev, and P. Reimann
Dynamics of a dimer in a symmetric potential: Ratchet effect generated by an internal degree of freedom
Phys. Rev. E 77, 031136 (2008)
[105] A. Fuhrmann, D. Anselmetti, R. Ros, S. Getfert, and P. Reimann
Refined procedure of evaluating experimental single-molecule force spectroscopy data
Phys. Rev. E 77, 031912 (2008)
[104] R. Filliger and P. Reimann
Brownian Gyrator: A Minimal Heat Engine on the Nanoscale
Phys. Rev. Lett. 99, 230602 (2007)
[103] S. Getfert and P. Reimann
Optimal evaluation of single-molecule force spectroscopy experiments
Phys. Rev. E 76, 052901 (2007)
[102] D. Speer, R. Eichhorn, and P. Reimann
Transient chaos induces anomalous transport properties of an underdamped Brownian particle
Phys. Rev. E 76, 051110 (2007)
[101] D. van der Meer, K. van der Weele, P. Reimann, and D. Lohse
Compartmentalized granular gases: flux model results
J. Stat. Mech., Art. No. P07021 (2007)
[100] P. Reimann
Typicality for Generalized Microcanonical Ensembles
Phys. Rev. Lett. 99, 160404 (2007)
[99] J. Regtmeier, S. Grauwin, R. Eichhorn, P. Reimann, D. Anselmetti, and A. Ros
Acceleration of absolute negative mobility
J. Sep. Sci. 30, 1461 (2007)
[98] D. Speer, R. Eichhorn, and P. Reimann
Brownian motion: Anomalous response due to noisy chaos
Europhys. Lett. 79, 10005 (2007)
[97] J. Regtmeier, R. Eichhorn, T. T. Duong, P. Reimann, D. Anselmetti, and A. Ros
Pulsed-field separation of particles in a microfluidic device
Eur. Phys. J. E 22, 335 (2007)
[96] R. Eichhorn, A. Ros, J. Regtmeier, T.T. Duong, P. Reimann, and D. Anselmetti
Paradoxical Brownian motion in a microfluidic device: Absolute negative mobility
Eur. Phys. J. Special Topics 143, 159 (2007)
[95] P. Reimann and M. Evstigneev
Pulsating potential ratchet
Europhys. Lett. 78, 50004 (2007)
[94] S. Bleil, P. Reimann, and C. Bechinger
Directing Brownian motion by oscillating barriers
Phys. Rev. E 75, 031117 (2007)
[93] R. Filliger and P. Reimann
Kramers escape rate for a charged particle in a magnetic field
Europhys. Lett. 77, 30008 (2007)
[92] M. Evstigneev and P. Reimann
Velocity dependence of atomic friction: Rate theory and beyond
p. 117-142 in
``Fundamentals of Friction and Wear'', edited by E. Gnecco and E. Meyer,
Springer (Berlin) 2007
[91] M. Evstigneev, A. Schirmeisen, L. Jansen, H. Fuchs, and P. Reimann
Force Dependence of Transition Rates in Atomic Friction
Phys. Rev. Lett. 97, 240601 (2006)
[90] D. van der Meer, K. van der Weele, and P. Reimann
Granular fountains: Convection cascade in a compartmentalized granular gas
Phys. Rev. E 73, 061304 (2006)
[89] R. Eichhorn and P. Reimann
Analytic theory of absolute negative mobility in a microfluidic device
Acta Physica Polonica B 37, 1491 (2006)
[88] M. Raible, M. Evstigneev, F. W. Bartels, R. Eckel, M. Nguyen-Duong,
R. Merkel, R. Ros, D. Anselmetti, and P. Reimann
Theoretical Analysis of Single-Molecule Force Spectroscopy Experiments: Heterogeneity of Chemical Bonds
Biophys. J. 90, 3851 (2006)
[87] D. van der Meer and P. Reimann
Temperature Anisotropy in a Driven Granular Gas
Europhys. Lett. 74, 384 (2006)
[86] M. Evstigneev and P. Reimann
A refined force-velocity relation in friction force spectroscopy experiments
Phys. Rev. B 73, 113401 (2006)
[85] D. Reguera, G. Schmid, P. S. Burada, J. M. Rubi,
P. Reimann, and P. Hänggi
Entropic Transport: Kinetics, Scaling, and Control Mechanisms
Phys. Rev. Lett. 96, 130603 (2006)
[84] M. Raible and P. Reimann
Single-molecule force spectroscopy: Heterogeneity of chemical bonds
Europhys. Lett. 73, 628 (2006)
[83] M. Evstigneev, P. Reimann, C. Schmitt, and C. Bechinger
Quantifying stochastic resonance: theory versus experiment
J. Phys.: Condens. Matter 17, S3795 (2005)
[82] M. Evstigneev and P. Reimann
Probability densities of periodically driven noisy systems:
An approximation scheme incorporating linear-response and adiabatic theory
Phys. Rev. E 72, 045101(R) (2005)
[81] A. Ros, R. Eichhorn, J. Regtmeier, T. T. Duong,
P. Reimann, and D. Anselmetti
Absolute negative particle mobility
Nature 436, 928 (2005)
[80] R. Eichhorn, P. Reimann, B. Cleuren, and C. Van den Broeck
Moving Backward Noisily
Chaos 15, 026133 (2005)
[79] M. Evstigneev and P. Reimann
Rate Description of the Stick-Slip Motion in Friction Force
Microscopy Experiments
Phys. Rev. E 71, 056119 (2005)
[78] P. Reimann and M. Evstigneev
Description of Atomic Friction as Forced Brownian Motion
New J. Phys. 7, 25 (2005)
[77] R. Eichhorn and P. Reimann
Paradoxical directed diffusion due to temperature anisotropies
Europhys. Lett. 69, 517 (2005)
[76] P. Reimann and M. Evstigneev
Nonmonotonic Velocity Dependence of Atomic Friction
Phys. Rev. Lett., 93, 230802 (2004)
[75] R. Eichhorn and P. Reimann
Paradoxical non-linear response of a Brownian particle
Phys. Rev. E, 70, 035106(R) (2004)
[74] A. Engel and P. Reimann
Thermal Ratchet Effects in Ferrofluids
Phys. Rev. E 70, 051107 (2004)
[73] M. Evstigneev and P. Reimann
Rate Description in Friction Force Microscopy
Europhys. Lett. 67, 907 (2004)
[72] A. Engel and P. Reimann,
Reply to Comment on ``Ferrofluids as thermal ratchets''
Phys. Rev. Lett. 92, 188902 (2004)
[71] R. Eichhorn and P. Reimann
Meandering Brownian donkeys
Acta Physica Polonica B 35, 1407 (2004)
[70] M. Raible, M. Evstigneev, P. Reimann, F. W. Bartels, and R. Ros
Theoretical analysis of dynamic force spectroscopy experiments on ligand-receptor complexes
J. Biotech. 112, 13 (2004)
[69] M. Evstigneev, P. Reimann, V. Pankov, and R. H. Prince
Stochastic resonance in monostable overdamped systems
Europhys. Lett. 65, 7 (2004)
[68] D. van der Meer, P. Reimann, K. van der Weele, and D. Lohse
Spontaneous Ratchet Effect in a Granular Gas
Phys. Rev. Lett. 92, 184301 (2004)
[67] Borja Jiménez de Cisneros, Peter Reimann, and Juan M. R. Parrondo
Non-cooperative Brownian donkeys: A solvable 1D model
Europhys. Lett. 64, 599 (2003)
[66] M. Evstigneev and P. Reimann
Dynamic force spectroscopy: Optimized data analysis
Phys. Rev. E 68, 045103(R) (2003)
[65] R. Eichhorn, P. Reimann, and P. Hänggi
Absolute negative mobility and current reversals of a meandering Brownian particle
Physica A 325, 101 (2003)
[64] J. Lehmann, P. Reimann, and P. Hänggi
Activated escape over oscillating barriers: The case of many dimensions
phys. stat. sol. (b) 237, 53 (2003)
[63] A. Engel, H. W. Müller, P. Reimann, and A. Jung
Ferrofluids as thermal ratchets
Phys. Rev. Lett 91, 060602 (2003)
[62] R. Eichhorn, P. Reimann, and P. Hänggi
Paradoxical Motion of a Single Brownian Particle: Absolute Negative Mobility
Phys. Rev. E 66, 066132 (2002)
[61] P. Reimann and P. Hänggi
Introduction to the Physics of Brownian Motors
Appl. Phys. A 75, 169 (2002)
[60] R. Eichhorn, P. Reimann, and P. Hänggi
Brownian Motion exhibiting Absolute Negative Mobility
Phys. Rev. Lett. 88, 190601 (2002)
[59] D. Reguera, P. Reimann, P. Hänggi, and J.M. Rubi
Interplay of Frequency-synchronization with Noise: Current Resonances, giant Diffusion and Diffusion-crests
Europhys. Lett. 57, 644 (2002)
[58] P. Reimann, C. Van den Broeck, H. Linke, P. Hänggi, J.M. Rubi, and A. Perez-Madrid
Diffusion in tilted periodic potentials: Enhancement, universality, and scaling
Phys. Rev. E 65, 031104 (2002)
[57] P. Reimann
Brownian Motors: Noisy Transport far from Equilibrium
Phys. Rep. 361, 57 (2002)
[56] P. Reimann, C. Van den Broeck, H. Linke, P. Hänggi, J.M. Rubi, and A. Perez-Madrid
Giant Acceleration of Free Diffusion by use of Tilted Periodic Potentials
Phys. Rev. Lett. 87, 010602 (2001)
[55] P. Reimann
A Uniqueness-Theorem for ``Linear'' Thermal Baths
Chem. Phys. 268, 337 (2001)
[54] P. Reimann
Supersymmetric Ratchets
Phys. Rev. Lett. 86, 4992 (2001)
[53] J. Lehmann, P. Reimann, and P. Hänggi
Surmounting Oscillating Barriers:
Path-integral Approach for Weak
Phys. Rev. E 62, 6282 (2000)
[52] C. Van den Broeck, I. Bena, P. Reimann, and J. Lehmann
Coupled Brownian Motors on a Tilted Washboard
Ann. Phys. (Leipzig) 9, 713 (2000)
[51] M. Thorwart, P. Reimann, and P. Hänggi
Iterative Algorithm versus Analytic Solutions of the
Parametrically Driven Dissipative Quantum Harmonic Oscillator
Phys. Rev. E 62, 5808 (2000)
[50] P. Reimann
Rocking Ratchets at High Frequencies
in ``Stochastic Processes in Physics, Chemistry and Biology'',
Lecture Notes in Physics, Vol. 557
edited by J.A. Freund and T. Pöschel,
Springer, Berlin 2000
[49] G. Györgyi and P. Reimann
Beyond Storage Capacity in a Single Model Neuron:
Continuous Replica Symmetry Breaking
J. Stat. Phys. 101, 679 (2000)
[48] J. Lehmann, P. Reimann, and P. Hänggi
Surmounting Oscillating Barriers
Phys. Rev. Lett. 84, 1639 (2000)
[47] C. Kettner, P. Reimann, P. Hänggi, and F. Müller
Drift Ratchet
Phys. Rev. E 61, 312 (2000)
[46] P. Reimann, G.J. Schmid, and P. Hänggi
Universal Equivalence of Mean-First Passage Time and Kramers Rate
Phys. Rev. E 60, R1 (1999)
[45] G.J. Schmid, P. Reimann, and P. Hänggi
Control of Reaction Rate by Asymmetric Two-State Noise
J. Chem. Phys. 111, 3349 (1999)
[44] P. Reimann, C. Van den Broeck, and R. Kawai
Nonequilibrium Noise in Coupled Phase Oscillators
Phys. Rev. E 60, 6402 (1999)
[43] B. Lindner, L. Schimansky-Geier, P. Reimann, P. Hänggi, and M. Nagaoka
Inertia Ratchets: A Numerical Study Versus Theory
Phys. Rev. E. 59, 1417 (1999)
[42] C. Van den Broeck, P. Reimann, R. Kawai, and P. Hänggi
Coupled Brownian Motors
pp. 93-111 in
``Statistical Mechanics and Biocomplexity'',
Lecture Notes in Physics, Vol. 527
edited by D. Reguera, J.M. Rubi, and J.M.G. Vilar,
Springer, Berlin, 1999
[41] P. Hänggi and P. Reimann
Quantum Ratchet Reroute Electrons
Physics World 12, 21 (1999)
[40] P. Reimann, R. Kawai, C. Van den Broeck, and P. Hänggi
Brownian Motors: Anomalous Hysteresis and Zero-bias Negative Conductance
Europhys. Lett. 45, 545 (1999)
[39] M. Schreier, P. Reimann, P. Hänggi, and E. Pollak
Giant Enhancement of Diffusion and Particle Separation in Rocked
Periodic Potentials
Europhys. Lett. 44, 416 (1998)
[38] M. Thorwart, P. Reimann, P. Jung, and R.F. Fox
Quantum Hysteresis and Resonant Tunneling in Bistable Systems
Chem. Phys. 235, 61 (1998)
[37] P. Reimann, R. Bartussek, and P. Hänggi
Reaction Rates when Barriers Fluctuate:
A Singular Perturbation Approach
Chem. Phys. 235, 11 (1998)
[36] P. Reimann and P. Hänggi
Quantum Features of Brownian Motors and Stochastic Resonance
Chaos 8, 629 (1998)
[35] M. Thorwart, P. Reimann, P. Jung, and R.F. Fox
Quantum Steps in Hysteresis Loops
Phys. Lett. A 239, 233 (1998)
[34] P. Reimann
Comment on `Towards a Statistical Thermodynamics of Steady States'
Phys. Rev. Lett. 80, 4104 (1998)
[33] B. Lindner, L. Schimansky-Geier, P. Reimann, and P. Hänggi
Mass Separation by Ratchets
in `Applied Nonlinear Dynamics and Stochastic Systems near the Millenium'
edited by J.B. Kadtke and A. Bulsara, AIP Conference Proceedings
411, 309 (1997)
[32] M. Thorwart, P. Reimann, and P. Jung
Quantum Steps in Hysteresis Loops
in `Applied Nonlinear Dynamics and Stochastic Systems near the Millenium'
edited by J.B. Kadtke and A. Bulsara, AIP Conference Proceedings 411,
145 (1997)
[31] P. Reimann, M. Grifoni, and P. Hänggi
Adiabatically Rocked Quantum Ratchets
in `Applied Nonlinear Dynamics and Stochastic Systems near the Millenium'
edited by J.B. Kadtke and A. Bulsara, AIP Conference Proceedings
411, 139 (1997)
[30] P. Reimann
Unsupervised Learning of Distributions
Europhys. Lett. 40, 251 (1997)
[29] R. Müller, P. Talkner, and P. Reimann
Rates and Mean First Passage Times
Physica A 247, 338 (1997)
[28] G. Györgyi and P. Reimann
Parisi Phase in a Neuron
Phys. Rev. Lett. 79, 2746 (1997)
[27] P. Reimann
Current Reversal in a White Noise driven flashing Ratchet
Phys. Rep. 290, 149 (1997)
[26] P. Reimann, M. Grifoni, and P. Hänggi
Quantum Ratchets
Phys. Rev. Lett. 79, 10 (1997)
[25] P. Reimann and P. Hänggi
Surmounting Fluctuating Barriers: Basic Concepts and Results
p. 127 in ``Stochastic Dynamics'',
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