Publications in refereed journals
- Stochastic baryon charge transport in relativistic hydrodynamics
N. Borghini, B. Fu, S. Schlichting
- Comparing matching prescriptions between pre-equilibrium and hydrodynamic models in high-energy nuclear collisions
N. Borghini, R. Krupczak, H. Roch
- Statistical analysis of the fluctuations of an initial-state model with independently distributed hot spots
N. Borghini, H. Roch, A. Schütte
- Statistical analysis of initial state and final state response in heavy-ion collisions
N. Borghini, M. Borrell, N. Feld, H. Roch, S. Schlichting, C. Werthmann
- On differences between even and odd anisotropic-flow harmonics in non-equilibrated systems
B. Bachmann, N. Borghini, N. Feld, H. Roch
- Early time behavior of spatial and momentum anisotropies in kinetic theory across different Knudsen numbers
N. Borghini, M. Borrell, H. Roch
- Early time behavior of spatial and momentum anisotropies in a kinetic approach to nuclear collisions
M. Borrell, N. Borghini
- Fluctuations of anisotropic flow from the finite number of rescatterings in a two-dimensional massless transport model
H. Roch, N. Borghini
- Fireball tomography from bottomonia elliptic flow in relativistic heavy-ion collisions
P. P. Bhaduri, M. Alqahtani, N. Borghini, A. Jaiswal, M. Strickland
- Anisotropic escape mechanism and elliptic flow of bottomonia
P. P. Bhaduri, N. Borghini, A. Jaiswal, M. Strickland
- Scaling behavior of anisotropic flow harmonics in the far from equilibrium regime
N. Borghini, S. Feld, N. Kersting
- Kinetic freeze out from an anisotropic fluid in high-energy heavy-ion collisions: particle spectra, HBT radii, and anisotropic flow
N. Borghini, S. Feld, C. Lang
- Dissipative corrections to particle spectra and anisotropic flow from a saddle-point approximation to kinetic freeze out
C. Lang, N. Borghini
- Sequential suppression of quarkonia and high-energy nucleus-nucleus collisions
N. Dutta, N. Borghini
- Heavy quarkonia in a medium as a quantum dissipative system: Master equation approach
N. Borghini, C. Gombeaud
- Dynamical evolution of heavy quarkonia in a deconfined medium
N. Borghini, C. Gombeaud
- Anisotropic flow far from equilibrium
N. Borghini, C. Gombeaud
- Medium-induced broadening and softening of a parton shower
N. Borghini,
- Predictions for the LHC heavy-ion program
N. Borghini, U.A. Wiedemann,
- Momentum conservation and correlation analyses in heavy-ion collisions at ultrarelativistic energies
N. Borghini,
- Distribution of multiple scatterings in proton-nucleus collisions at high energy
N. Borghini, F. Gelis,
- ALICE: Physics Performance Report, Volume II
ALICE Collaboration (B. Alessandro et al.),
- Elliptic flow and incomplete equilibration at RHIC
R.S. Bhalerao, J.-P. Blaizot, N. Borghini, J.-Y. Ollitrault,
- Distorting the hump-backed plateau of jets with dense QCD matter
N. Borghini, U.A. Wiedemann,
- Momentum spectra, anisotropic flow, and ideal fluids
N. Borghini, J.-Y. Ollitrault,
- First analysis of anisotropic flow with Lee-Yang zeroes
FOPI Collaboration (N. Bastid et al.), J.-Y. Ollitrault, N. Borghini,
- Azimuthally sensitive correlations in nucleus-nucleus collisions
N. Borghini, J.-Y. Ollitrault
- Directed flow at RHIC from Lee-Yang zeroes
N. Borghini, J.-Y. Ollitrault,
- Analysis of anisotropic flow with Lee-Yang zeroes
R.S. Bhalerao, N. Borghini, J.-Y. Ollitrault,
- Genuine collective flow from Lee-Yang zeroes
R.S. Bhalerao, N. Borghini, J.-Y. Ollitrault,
- Directed and elliptic flow of charged pions and protons in Pb+Pb collisions at 40 and 158A GeV
NA49 Collaboration (C. Alt et al.),
- Multiparticle correlations from momentum conservation
N. Borghini
- Analysis of directed flow from elliptic flow
N. Borghini, P.M. Dinh, J.-Y. Ollitrault,
- Effects of momentum conservation on the analysis of anisotropic flow
N. Borghini, P.M. Dinh, J.-Y. Ollitrault, A.M. Poskanzer, S.A. Voloshin,
- Anomalies and fermion content of grand unified theories in extra dimensions
N. Borghini, Y. Gouverneur, M.H.G. Tytgat,
- Flow analysis from multiparticle azimuthal correlations
N. Borghini, P.M. Dinh, J.-Y. Ollitrault,
- A new method for measuring azimuthal distributions in nucleus-nucleus collisions
N. Borghini, P.M. Dinh, J.-Y. Ollitrault
- Is the analysis of flow at the CERN SPS reliable?
N. Borghini, P.M. Dinh, J.-Y. Ollitrault,
- Effects of HBT correlations on flow measurements
P.M. Dinh, N. Borghini, J.-Y. Ollitrault,
- Possible cosmological implications of the quark-hadron phase transition
N. Borghini, W.N. Cottingham, R. Vinh Mau,
Popular review
- Les frémissements des étoiles étranges
N. Borghini, R. Vinh Mau,
La Recherche 337 (2000) 52
Conference proceedings